Search Results: "Neil Williams"

9 February 2014

Neil Williams: Debian ARMMP in LAVA using iMX53

The home lab is my LAVA development environment and I ve recently got two iMX53 Quick Start Boards working with a typical LAVA master image based on a Linaro build of Linux 3.1.0 for mx5 with a Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot 11.10 rootfs:
 3.1.0-1002-linaro-lt-mx5 (buildd@hubbard) (gcc version 4.6.1 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.1-9ubuntu3) ) #13-Ubuntu PREEMPT Fri Dec 16 01:21:07 UTC 2011
As part of my Debian work, it was clearly time to look at a current, Debian, kernel and rootfs and as I m developing and testing on Debian unstable, this would necessarily mean testing the Debian ARMMP (multi-platform) kernel which replaces the mx5 build used in Wheezy.
Linux version 3.12-1-armmp ( (gcc version 4.8.2 (Debian 4.8.2-10) ) #1 SMP Debian 3.12.9-1 (2014-02-01)
I will be scripting the creation of a suitable image for these tests and there are other changes planned in LAVA to make it easier to build suitable images, but it is useful to document just how I worked out how to build the first image. Manual build steps First, I ve already discovered that the u-boot on the iMX53 doesn t like ext4, so the first step was to prepare an ext3 filesystem for the image. With a SATA drive attached, it was also much better to use that than the SD card, at least for generating the image. I m also doing this natively, so I am working inside the booted master image. This is fine as the master is designed to manipulate test images, so the only package I needed to install on the LAVA master image was debootstrap. I had an empty SATA drive to play with for these tests, so first prepare an ext3 filesystem:
# mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1
# mkdir /mnt/sata
# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sata
# mkdir /mnt/sata/chroots/
Start the debootstrap:
# apt-get update
# apt-get install debootstrap
# debootstrap --arch=armhf --include=linux-image-armmp \
 --verbose unstable \
Various actions in this chroot will need proc, so mount it here:
# chroot /mnt/sata/chroots/unstable-armhf
# mount proc -t proc /proc
# mount devpts -t devpts /dev/pts
# exit
You may also have to edit the apt sources the LAVA master image doesn t have editors installed, so either use echo or download an edited file. I m using:
deb sid main
flash-kernel needs changes For the initial tests, I ve got to get this image to boot directly from u-boot, so flash-kernel is going to be needed inside the chroot and to get the iMX53 to work with the ARMMP kernel and Device Tree, flash-kernel will need an update which will mean a patch:
# chroot /mnt/sata/chroots/unstable-armhf
# apt-get update
# apt-get install patch flash-kernel
# cp /usr/share/flash-kernel/db/all.db /home
# cd /home
# patch -p2
The patch itself goes through a couple of iterations. Initially, it is enough to use:
 Machine: Freescale MX53 LOCO Board
-Kernel-Flavors: mx5
+Kernel-Flavors: armmp
+DTB-Id: imx53-qsb.dtb
+DTB-Append: yes
Later, once the device has booted with the ARMMP kernel, the Machine Id can be updated to distinguish it from the mx5 flavour (from /proc/cpuinfo) and use the model name from the Device Tree (/proc/device-tree/model):
diff --git a/db/all.db b/db/all.db
index fab3407..41f6c78 100644
--- a/db/all.db
+++ b/db/all.db
@@ -62,6 +62,18 @@ U-Boot-Initrd-Address: 0x00800000
 Required-Packages: u-boot-tools
 Bootloader-Sets-Incorrect-Root: yes
+Machine: Freescale i.MX53 Quick Start Board
+Kernel-Flavors: armmp
+DTB-Id: imx53-qsb.dtb
+DTB-Append-From: 3.12
+Boot-DTB-Path: /boot/dtb
+U-Boot-Kernel-Address: 0x70008000
+U-Boot-Initrd-Address: 0x0
+Boot-Kernel-Path: /boot/uImage
+Boot-Initrd-Path: /boot/uInitrd
+Required-Packages: u-boot-tools
+Bootloader-Sets-Incorrect-Root: no
 Machine: Freescale MX53 LOCO Board
 Kernel-Flavors: mx5
 U-Boot-Kernel-Address: 0x70008000
(I will be filing this patch in a bug report against flash-kernel soon.) With that patched, update and run flash-kernel:
# mv all.db /usr/share/flash-kernel/db/all.db
# flash-kernel
flash-kernel: installing version 3.12-1-armmp
Generating kernel u-boot image... done.
Taking backup of uImage.
Installing new uImage.
Generating initramfs u-boot image... done.
Taking backup of uInitrd.
Installing new uInitrd.
Installing new dtb.
# exit
LAVA overlays This will be a LAVA test image and it needs an overlay if you want a vanilla image, set up a passwd inside the chroot instead.
# cd /mnt/sata/chroots/unstable-armhf/
# wget --no-check-certificate
# wget --no-check-certificate
# chroot /mnt/sata/chroots/unstable-armhf/
# dpkg -i linaro-overlay-minimal_1112.2_all.deb linaro-overlay_1112.2_all.deb
# rm linaro-overlay-minimal_1112.2_all.deb linaro-overlay_1112.2_all.deb
# exit
Changes to allow the chroot to boot Now the chroot needs setting up as a boot image:
# chroot /mnt/sata/chroots/unstable-armhf/
# echo T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttymxc0 115200 vt102 >> ./etc/inittab
# echo auto lo eth0 > ./etc/network/interfaces.d/mx53loco
# echo iface lo inet loopback >> ./etc/network/interfaces.d/mx53loco
# echo iface eth0 inet dhcp >> ./etc/network/interfaces.d/mx53loco
# apt-get clean
# umount /dev/pts
# umount /proc
# exit
Partitioning as a LAVA test image This would be enough as a single partition test image but, currently, LAVA expects a much more hard-wired image. Depending on the history of the device and the need for LAVA to be able to put fresh kernel builds together with a known rootfs, LAVA has used a separate /boot and / partition in the test image for nearly all boards. Standard LAVA test images for many boards (like the iMX53) also have a small unallocated space at the start of the SD card, so until I can get LAVA upstream to handle test images of arbitrary design, I m adapting the image to suit the expectations inside LAVA. Yes, I know but it s better to get something working before spending time fixing things to make it work better. It will be fixed, in time. So I needed to separate out the /boot contents from the rest of the rootfs whilst keeping the chroot itself in a state which I can easily update and use to create other images.
# cd /mnt/sata/chroots/unstable-armhf/boot/
# tar -czf ../../boot.tar.gz ./*
# cd ..
# tar -czf ../root.tar.gz ./*
Now the test image file and its partitions:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/sata/images/empty/debian.img bs=1M count=1024
# cp /mnt/sata/images/empty/debian.img /mnt/sata/images/debian-unstable-armhf-armmp.img
# losetup /dev/loop0 /mnt/sata/images/debian-unstable-armhf-armmp.img
# parted /dev/loop0 -s unit mb mktable msdos
# parted /dev/loop0 -s unit mb mkpart primary 1 10
# parted /dev/loop0 -s unit mb mkpart primary 11 110
# parted /dev/loop0 -s unit mb mkpart primary 111 1024
I did make the mistake of using kpartx at this stage but there are many areas of confusion when translating the kpartx output to offsets for mount when parted is easier:
# parted /dev/loop0 unit B -s print
Model:  (file)
Disk /dev/loop0: 1073741824B
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos
Number  Start       End          Size        Type     File system  Flags
 1      1048576B    10485759B    9437184B    primary
 2      10485760B   110100479B   99614720B   primary
 3      110100480B  1024458751B  914358272B  primary
Use the Start numbers and use losetup to create the loop devices for each
# losetup -o 10485760 /dev/loop1 /dev/loop0
# losetup -o 110100480 /dev/loop2 /dev/loop0
# mkfs.vfat /dev/loop1
# mkfs.ext3 /dev/loop2
Now clean up the loop mountpoints:
# losetup -d /dev/loop2
# losetup -d /dev/loop1
# losetup -d /dev/loop0
# losetup -a
losetup -a should return nothing. If it doesn t, investigate the contents of /dev/mapper and use dmsetup remove until losetup -a does report empty. Otherwise the subsequent stages will fail. Now deploy the /boot contents into the empty image:
# mount -oloop,offset=10485760 /mnt/sata/images/debian-unstable-armhf-armmp.img /mnt/boot/
# pushd /mnt/boot/
# tar -xzf /mnt/sata/chroots/boot.tar.gz
# popd
# sync
# umount /mnt/boot/
and the / contents (removing the duplicate ./boot contents)
# mount -oloop,offset=110100480 /mnt/sata/images/debian-unstable-armhf-armmp.img /mnt/root/
# pushd /mnt/root
# tar -xzf /mnt/sata/chroots/root.tar.gz
# rm ./boot/*
# popd
# sync
# umount /mnt/root
Check the image
# mount -oloop,offset=10485760 debian-unstable-armhf-armmp.img /mnt/boot
# ls /mnt/boot
config-3.12-1-armmp  initrd.img-3.12-1-armmp  uImage  uInitrd  vmlinuz-3.12-1-armmp
# umount /mnt/boot
# mount -oloop,offset=110100480 debian-unstable-armhf-armmp.img /mnt/root
# ls /mnt/root
bin  boot  dev  etc  home  initrd.img  lib  lost+found  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var  vmlinuz
# ls /mnt/root/bin/auto-serial-console
# umount /mnt/root
# md5sum debian-unstable-armhf-armmp.img
Downloads Yes, I have put that file online, if you are interested. Do read the readme first though. Getting the image off the device
# ip a
# python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 2>/dev/null
then wget (just http://, IP address / and the filename), md5sum , finish with Ctrl-C. Depending on setup, it may be quicker to transfer the uncompressed
file over a LAN than to let the device compress it. Your main machine
will do the compression much faster, even with a larger download. (It also helps to not compress the image on the device, you can
test the mount offsets more easily and do check that the image
can be mounted with the offsets from parted.) Results
# cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor	: 0
model name	: ARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l)
Features	: swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp thumbee neon vfpv3 tls vfpd32 
CPU implementer	: 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant	: 0x2
CPU part	: 0xc08
CPU revision	: 5
Hardware	: Freescale i.MX53 (Device Tree Support)
Revision	: 0000
Serial		: 0000000000000000
# uname -a
Linux imx53-02 3.12-1-armmp #1 SMP Debian 3.12.9-1 (2014-02-01) armv7l GNU/Linux
# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Debian
Description:	Debian GNU/Linux unstable (sid)
Release:	unstable
Codename:	sid
Next! Yes, there is a lot to do from here on. Then there is the whole issue of actually making this multi-platform. After all, it is far from ideal that a multi-platform kernel package has to have platform-specific operations using flash-kernel at each update. So Grub on ARM is going to be on the list of things to investigate .

6 February 2014

Neil Williams: iMX53 in the home lab

The iMX53 Quick Start Board has been a mainstay of the Debian armhf port and has been part of LAVA until recently. It s a natural choice for seeing how LAVA and Debian can work together more closely. So, in the first steps to getting my home lab running, I set about restoring two of these boards to LAVA support. I will be looking into each of the possible boot methods with these boards, but the way to start is with a LAVA master image on an SD card. With the pause in iMX53 development within LAVA, this raises a couple of issues: LAVA master image on iMX53 The LAVA master image is more recent and can fix these problems. See lava-image-creation preparing a master image
$ git clone git://
$ cd lava-master-image-scripts

Use patch -p1 to apply this patch (apologies for the line wrapping in the blog):
diff --git a/lava-create-master b/lava-create-master
index 2e1d0e8..a1e6131 100755
--- a/lava-create-master
+++ b/lava-create-master
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ make_master()  
         verbose " * Building vanilla image with linaro-media-create..."
         if ! linaro-media-create \
             --dev $LMC_DEV \
-            --rootfs ext4 \
+            --rootfs ext3 \
             --image-file $CACHE_DIR/pristine-images/$dev-vanilla.img \
             --image-size 1G \
             --align-boot-part \
$ sudo ./lava-create-master imx53 Without the patch applied, I simply removed the SD card, mounted the third partition on my main machine and created a tarball of the contents:
$ sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p3 /mnt/
$ pushd /mnt
$ sudo tar -czf /tmp/imx53-rootfs.tgz ./*
$ popd
$ sudo umount /mnt/
Reformat p3 to ext3 (or ext2 if you prefer)
$ sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/mmcblk0p3
Put the rootfs back onto the replacement ext3 partition.
$ sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p3 /mnt/
$ pushd /mnt
$ sudo tar -xzvf /tmp/imx53-rootfs.tgz
$ popd
$ sudo sync
$ sudo umount /mnt/
The bootscript is buggy, so run:
> run loaduimage
> run mmcboot
Then fix bootscript or you won t be able to reboot: Simplest way may be to set u-boot to ignore boot.scr
> setenv script
> saveenv
> reset
Device configuration in LAVA I found screen to be a bit awkward as a serial connection, (use Ctrl-A : quit) to quit. I tried autologin for the lucid image but that was not needed for the master image which uses the linaro overlay. The PDU commands are for my own setup. The daemon (the machine running the pdu daemon scripts), hostname (the hostname or IP of the PDU itself) and the port numbers will change between labs. Again, the blog has changed the line endings.
device_type = mx53loco
hostname = imx53-01
connection_command = telnet hobbes 4002
#login_prompt = lucid-desktop login:
#password_prompt = Password:
#username = lucid
#password = lucid
hard_reset_command = /usr/bin/pduclient --daemon localhost --hostname pdu --command reboot --port 05
power_off_cmd = /usr/bin/pduclient --daemon localhost --hostname pdu --command off --port 05
power_on_cmd = /usr/bin/pduclient --daemon localhost --hostname pdu --command on --port 05
testboot_offset = 3
Critical testboot_offset is currently undocumented. Without it, you will see:
 ** Partition 4 not valid on device 0 **
You can trace this back in a LAVA test log to:
  setenv bootcmd "fatload mmc 0:4 0x70000000 uImage; fatload mmc 0:4 0x72000000 uInitrd; fatload mmc 0:4 0x71ff0000 board.dtb; bootm 0x70000000 0x72000000 0x71ff0000"
The correct line needs to use mmc 0:5 in each case.
This is what testboot_offset modifies the default is 2.
  setenv bootcmd "fatload mmc 0:4 0x70000000 uImage; fatload mmc 0:5 0x72000000 uInitrd; fatload mmc 0:5 0x71ff0000 board.dtb; bootm 0x70000000 0x72000000 0x71ff0000"
Hacking session in LAVA A hacking session in LAVA is a way of getting an SSH login directly into a deployed test image, as root. It s a test image, so look around, trash stuff, build stuff, reboot the board When you are done, use stop-hacking and the test completes, leaving the master image unchanged, ready for the next rootfs to go onto the test image you were using. This will be improved in later blog entries but as a starter and so that you can play with the SATA drive with a recent installation, this is the JSON for a LAVA job which gives you an SSH session inside the LAVA test image on an iMX53. The test image comes from Linaro releases 12.01. I haven t set up a proxy yet, so to save time, I downloaded it once and used a local file:// URL in the testjob. Note the rootfstype parameter without this, LAVA will helpfully format the partition onto which the rootfs is installed to ext4, with predictable results. (This bug is currently being fixed in LAVA so that LAVA uses the same filesystem as the downloaded image. All part of making LAVA less presumptive.) The smoke-tests-basic testdef is gratuitous and can be removed but this particular run won t be quick it took over an hour to get into the hacking session, but future topics here will improve that so the extra few minutes for the smoke-tests is not a big win. Change the value for GATEWAY to something sane for your network, change the value for PUB_KEY to your SSH public key. Change the image location to something which works for your setup.
 "health_check": false,
 "job_name": "iMX53-hacking",
 "logging_level": "DEBUG",
 "device_type": "mx53loco",
 "timeout": 900,
 "actions": [
 "command": "deploy_linaro_image",
 "image": "file:///home/linaro/lava/mx53loco-ubuntu-desktop.img.gz",
 "rootfstype": "ext3"
 "command": "lava_test_shell",
 "testdef_repos": [
 "git-repo": "git://",
 "testdef": "ubuntu/smoke-tests-basic.yaml"
 "git-repo": "",
 "GATEWAY": "",
 "PUB_KEY": "...."
 "testdef": "hacking-session-debian.yaml"
 "timeout": 18000
 "command": "submit_results_on_host",
 "server": "http://sylvester.codehelp/RPC2/",
 "stream": "/anonymous/codehelp/"
(Use to reformat.) I was part of the way through running debootstrap on the SATA drive when ser2net timed out because I hadn t changed the values at that time. Configuring set2net for LAVA ser2net can run on any machine capable of providing the serial connections, including a dedicated device. Decide on a port range to use on the machine running ser2net. If the device has more than one network interface, ensure that ser2net only offers connections on the relevant interface by prefixing the port with the IP address or hostname. telnet is generally the easiest ser2net state to use with LAVA.
#  ::::
#     TCP port
#            Name   or  number of the TCP/IP port to accept con-
#            nections from for this device.  A port number may
#            be of the form [host,]port, such as,2000
#            or localhost,2000.  If this is specified, it will
#            only bind to the IP address specified. Otherwise
#            it will bind to all the ports on the machine.
#,4000:telnet:600:/dev/ttyUSB0:115200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner
Clear the timeout or long running jobs will fail.,4000:telnet:0:/dev/ttyUSB0:115200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner,4001:telnet:0:/dev/ttyUSB1:115200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner
I ve tried relatively carefully to preserve the instructions here from my notes. However, if you do try this yourself and there are problems, let me know and I ll update. I m also planning on putting all of the config files, patches, JSON examples and other code into a git repo fairly soon to make things easier.

26 January 2014

Neil Williams: Home server rack

The uses of this particular rack I ll cover in future entries this is about how I made the rack itself, with help from friends (Steve McIntyre & Andy Simpkins). A common theme is making allowances for using dev kit boards ready-to-rack ARM servers are not here yet. My aim was to have 4, possibly 6 ARM dev kit boards running services from home, so there was no need for a standard 42U rack, a 9U rack is enough. Hence:
Wall Mounted 9U 450mm deep 19 inch rack enclosure glass door To run various other services around the house (firewall, file server etc.), a microserver was also necessary:
HP 704941-421 ProLiant Micro Server (AMD Turion II Neo N54L 2.2GHz, 2GB RAM, 250GB HDD, 2 Core, 7th Generation) I chose to mount that on a bookcase beneath the wall mounted rack as it kept all the cables at the bottom of the rack itself. The microserver needed a second gigabit network card fitted to cope with being a firewall as well, if you do the same, ensure you find a suitable card with a low profile bracket. Some are described as being low profile but do not package the low profile bracket, only a low profile card and a full height bracket.
Intel EXPI9301CTBLK PRO1000 Network Card note the low profile bracket in the pack. The first of the dev kit requirements is the lack of boards which can be racked, so shelves are going to be needed, leading on to something to stop the boards wandering across the shelf when the cables are adjusted velcro pads in my case. Second requirement is that dev kit boards are notorious for not rebooting cleanly. Nothing to do with the image being run, the board just doesn t cut power or doesn t come back after cutting power. Sometimes this is down to early revisions of the board, sometimes the board pulls enough power through the USB serial converter to remain alive, whatever the cause, it won t reboot without user involvement. So a PDU becomes necessary remotely controllable. New units tend to be expensive and/or only suitable for larger racks, I managed to find an older 8 port APC unit, something like: (Don t be surprised if that becomes a dead link search for APC Smart Slot Master Switch Power Distribution Unit). Talking of power, I m looking to use SATA drives with these boards and the boards themselves come with a variety of wall wart plugs or USB cables, so a number of IEC sockets are needed not the usual plugs:
Power cable IEC C14 plug 13A socket 25 cm or, for devices which genuinely need 2A to boot (use the 1A for attached SATA or leave empty):

Black Universal 3.1A 15W 5V Dual USB Rapid Mains Charger Plug Check the power output rating of the USB plugs used to connect to the mains as well many are 1A or less. Keep the right plug for the right board.
Power is going to also be a problem if, like me, you want to run SATA drives off boards which support SATA. The lack of a standard case means that ATX power is awkward, so check out some cheap SATA enclosures to get a SATA connector with USB power. I am using these enclosures (prices seem to have risen since I obtained them):

Startech 2.5 inch eSATA USB External Hard Drive Enclosure for SATA HDD Along with these:
eSATA to SATA Serial External Shielded Cable 1m because the iMx53 boards have SATA connectors but the enclosure exports eSATA. Whilst this might seem awkward, the merit of having both eSATA and simple USB power on one enclosure is not to be under-estimated. (Avoid the stiffer black cables space will get tight inside the rack.) Naturally, a 2.5 inch SATA drive is going to be needed for each enclosure, I m using HDD but SSD is also an option. Also, consider simple 2 or 3 way fused adaptors so that the board and the SATA drive can be powered from a single PDU port, this makes rebooting much simpler if the board needs a power supply with integrated plug instead of over USB. Now to the networking (2 x 8 port was cheaper than 1 x 16):
Netgear GS108 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Unmanaged Switch Don t forget the cat5 cables too you ll want lots of short cables, 1m or shorter inside the rack and a few longer ones going to the microserver and wall socket. I used 8x1m. Naturally, on the floor below your rack you are going to put a UPS, so the PDU power then needs to be converted to draw from the UPS via IEC plugs instead of standard mains. I decided to use a 6 gang extension 1m cable with an IEC plug it was the only bit of wiring I had to do and even those are available ready-made if you want to do it that way. Depending on the board, you may need your own serial to USB converters, you ll certainly need some powered USB hubs. I m using a wall mounted 9U rack, so I also needed a masonry drill and 4 heavy duty masonry M8 bolts. The rack comes with a mounting plate which needs to be bolted to the wall but nothing else is included. This step is much easier with someone else to take the weight of the rack as it is guided into the brackets on the mounting plate the bracket may need a little persuasion to allow for the bolt heads to not get in the way during mounting. Once mounted, the holes in the back of the rack allow for plenty of room, it s just getting to that point. The rack has side panels which latch out easily, providing easy maintenance. The glass door can be easily reversed to open from the opposite side. However, the key in the glass door is largely useless. The expectation is that the units in the rack are attached at the front but the dev boards on shelves are not going to be protected by a key in the front door. The key therefore ends up being little more than a handle for the glass door. OK. If you ve got this far, it s a case of putting things together:
Economy Cage Nut Tool 19 inch racking for cagenut extraction Yes, you really do want one. Fine, do without the premium one, but the economy one will save you a lot of (physical) pain. At this stage, it becomes clear that the normal 19 inch server rack shelves don t leave a lot of room at the back of the rack for the cables and there are a lot of cables. Each board has power, USB serial connection and network. The SATA has power too. The PDU has a power lead and you ll need network switches too. The network switches need power and an uplink cable. I positioned the supports in the rack as far forward as possible and attached the shelves to give enough room for the PDU on the base of the rack, the network switches resting on top and the extension bar (with the heavier, stiffer cables) at the back. (I need to bring my shelves another 1 or 2 positions further forward as there is barely enough room for one cable between the shelf and the back of the rack and that makes moving boards around harder than it needs to be.) The PDU defaults to enabling all ports at startup, so connect to it over telnet and turn off the ports before connecting things and sorting out the network interface to what the rest of the lab needs. (I m using a 10. range and the PDU was originally set to use 192.168.1.) That s about it as far as the hardware setup is concerned. Just time to label up each board, note down which PDU port does which device, which serial to USB converter is on which device on the microserver and check the power my initial problem with one board was traced to the inability of the board to power SATA off the on-board USB port even when using the provided 2A power supply. That meant adding a standard mains adaptor to feed both the SATA power and the board power off the one PDU port there is little point powering off the board but not the SATA, or vice versa. I haven t totalled up the expenditure but the biggest expenses were the microserver and the wall mounted rack but don t underestimate how much it will cost to buy 6 IEC plugs, various USB serial converters and how much you may spend on peripheral items. There is quite a lot of room on the 2 shelves for more boards, what will limit the deployment in this rack is space for the cables, especially power. The shorter the power cables, the easier it will be to maintain the devices in the rack. It might be worth looking at a 12U rack, if only to give plenty of space for cables. Once I ve got the software working, I ll describe what this rack will be doing it s got something to do with Debian, ARM, Linux and tests but you ve probably already guessed that much

19 May 2013

Neil Williams: pybit 1.0.0 - distributed, scalable builds direct from VCS or archives

PyBit is a distributed build system able to build packages in response to VCS commits or other triggers, across multiple architectures, multiple clients and multiple build environments with automated uploads to a nominated repository.

Support is included in 1.0.0 for building Debian packages using sbuild in response to subversion commits or changes in (by using apt as a version control handler) for any architecture and build environment which sbuild can support. There is also an example git commit template. Pybit has been designed to be fully extensible, so support for RPM or other package formats can be added as well as other version control handlers, other build environments and other architectures. Pybit is also scalable, when one type of client is struggling with the workload, another machine of the same architecture can be added to the pool to share the load. Pybit can also build a package for any number of architectures and build environments at the same time. The Pybit web interface provides an at-a-glance summary of all current builds as well as options to blacklist certain combinations, cancel and retry specific jobs and add monitor each pybit client. Current use cases include:

8 February 2013

Neil Williams: Update on klibc for AArch64



I've now completed the first patch for klibc 2.0.1 for arm64 support - it's completely untested and likely to break things, so it's up for review not usage. Those who are brave enough to look at the patch, please report issues via the github issue tracker.

35 files changed, 509 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

21 new C files to replace removed syscalls, most of which simply borrow from glibc and provide a general purpose call (like open) instead of the actual syscall (openat).

Next is to test the build and look into what is necessary to push the patch to the current 2.0.3 upstream.

25 January 2013

Neil Williams: Hard drive death

My 1Tb laptop drive started misbehaving a few weeks ago, just spending a lot of time spinning when it should have been reading frequently changed files (like the browser cache). I was tempted to blame the browser at that point as no other packages appeared affected.

Wednesday night, a routine package upgrade on unstable brought in a bunch of qt4 updates which I wanted and a virtual box update that I didn't see much point in delaying ... 15 minutes later I couldn't work out why the virtualbox dkms task was still running, spotted it spinning in depmod and found some alarming messages in dmesg about short reads and errors reading from the hard drive. Hmm. The hard drive was out of control at this point, it quickly became apparent that no disc access was going to be possible and I couldn't get to a terminal to kill the current tasks, so I killed the power. The fsck which followed reboot showed more of the errors I'd seen in dmesg and fell back to the manual intervention stage. A few hours of confirming attempts to fix the errors, fsck finally finished. A short amount of usage showed that although fsck had finished, the drive was not happy and was starting to give short reads on other parts of the filesystem, resulting in ~40% of the filesystem appearing to be read-only when the rest was read-write. Somehow, I didn't think this was a welcome feature as the areas affected appeared to be quite random.

The drive in question was a replacement for the original 300Gb drive supplied with the ThinkPad, so a quick bit of switching of drives into a caddy and I could rsync my data off the large drive onto the smaller one. The rsync itself took a lot longer than it should have done because it got lots of short reads too. (Principally in /lib/modules/3.2.0-4/ and in the browser cache directories which had been the original symptom as well as most other places where one could have expected processes to have open files when the drive failed).

Now the 1Tb drive was a pig to fit into the Thinkpad originally because it was too big for the bay but I fitted it anyway. Yes, that was probably a mistake. It certainly meant that in order to fit it I had to not put the drive into the useful caddy provided by Lenovo which makes removal of the drive simple. Indeed the drive was wedged into the bay so tightly that it wasn't going to come out with normal levels of persuasion. This probably contributed to the failure of the drive, so live and learn.

With help from Andy Simpkins (it's always handy to have a hardware engineer on hand at times like this), the keyboard was lifted out, the case was dismantled and just enough room was made to get a screwdriver in behind the sata drive and lever it out of the bay. OK, rebuild laptop, put replacement drive into the caddy (because the smaller capacity drive is also a lot smaller in height than the 1Tb and therefore has plenty of clearance between it and the bay) and move on to the software recovery stage.

Hint: if this happens again, before turning off the broken system for the last time, just remember to download a recent Debian ISO to a USB stick - it saves having to ask someone else or find another machine to do the download. (Thanks Andy...)

OK, so after the usual complaints on reboot that there was no operating system, F12 got the boot order menu up and I was in Debian Installer Rescue Mode. Reinstalling grub failed initially for a few reasons:

  1. I'd deliberately not copied /dev /proc and /sys from the old harddrive but I'd also forgotten to create empty ones on the new drive...
  2. /etc/fstab helpfully referred to / as a UUID which no longer applied, so that had to be edited
  3. grub was confused and couldn't find the root filesystem

A few iterations later, I had a working /dev directory inside the /target chroot, bind mounted from the /dev outside the chroot, I was able to mount proc and sys, so grub was finally happy to reinstall itself and then update the initramfs setup for the new drive.

Reboot, another fsck, all appeared well. I was able to login via the terminal but not in X. Hmmm. Stop xdm, startx manually from the terminal, problems with /tmp/ - permission denied. Oops. Yes, it does help to create /tmp with the right permissions....

The final stage was to complete the dpkg --configure -a from the original failure. I've yet to reinstall the 3.2.0-4 kernel, so I'm back on 3.2.0-3 but that's OK.

So now I'm back on the original drive, albeit temporarily without any swap whatsoever (because I didn't partition the replacement drive to create /dev/sda5 before doing the copy) and now I remember the second reason I wanted to replace the original drive with the 1Tb drive - the original drive is as NOISY as hell. The whole edge of the laptop vibrates constantly, to the point that I can feel the vibration under the keys as I type. It's not that the drive is loose in the bay, it's just a constant vibration.

But, I have kept all my data and I have a usable laptop for the BSP this weekend. I will be looking at an SSD drive to replace this one though and having also found my old Acer laptop with power supply, I can now reference this entry when I transfer the system a second time.

13 January 2013

Neil Williams: Status of klibc on AArch64

With significant assistance from Steve McIntyre and some judicious delving into the ARM Information Centre, I've now got the assembly portions of klibc sorted (but untested) for AArch64 (arm64).

Andy & I started by copying the old ARM support as a new directory and one of the final steps was to remove a whole bunch of legacy code from the days before Thumb and all the #ifdef lines which went with it. Some files disappeared entirely. setjmp.S was the largest amount of work as the load&store multiple support of ARMv7 has gone in ARMv8, so the stmia mnemonic had to be expanded to multiple stp calls but that makes it more explicit, so it's not a bad thing.

Steve & I borrowed from the glibc AArch64 code from upstream by Marcus Shawcroft, simplifying the glibc macros for klibc and also got clues about what extra registers needed handling compared to ARMv7.

I've now got to look at some traditional cross-compilation issues because the Linaro AArch64 toolchain doesn't install to typical Debian cross-building paths and the build now moves past the AArch64-specific assembly and fails later when the C code gets the wrong include path and ends up including /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/asm/byteorder.h with predictable results.

If someone has an AArch64 toolchain already set up, feel free to clone my modified klibc tree and let me know if there are subsequent build errors. Of course, if you fancy testing a build in the Foundation Model for ARMv8, that would be good too! (Report issues via github.)

Whilst I'm sorting out the toolchain, I've also been updating perl-cross-debian (which has also seen some more upstream testing and improvement).

11 January 2013

Neil Williams: perl-cross-debian updates

Working with perl upstream, we're getting closer to a fully cross-built upstream perl without needing the external perl installation. The branch (which is also available here with a few of my changes) now builds a host miniperl, cross-builds the rest of perl and almost gets through the rest of the build by using the host miniperl to handle the extensions up as far as XS::Typemap:

make[1]: Leaving directory /home/neil/code/debian/src/perl/cross/git/perl/ext/XS-APItest'
./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/XS/Typemap/ MAKE=make LIBPERL_A=libperl.a LINKTYPE=dynamic
Making XS::Typemap (all)
make[1]: Entering directory /home/neil/code/debian/src/perl/cross/git/perl/ext/XS-Typemap'
make[1]: Leaving directory /home/neil/code/debian/src/perl/cross/git/perl/ext/XS-Typemap'
Making all in ext/XS-Typemap
make all PERL_CORE=1 LIBPERL_A=libperl.a LINKTYPE=dynamic
make[1]: Entering directory /home/neil/code/debian/src/perl/cross/git/perl/ext/XS-Typemap'
make[1]: Leaving directory /home/neil/code/debian/src/perl/cross/git/perl/ext/XS-Typemap'
./perl -f -Ilib pod/buildtoc -q
Can't load module Digest::MD5, dynamic loading not available in this perl.
(You may need to build a new perl executable which either supports
dynamic loading or has the Digest::MD5 module statically linked into it.)
at Porting/ line 4.
Compilation failed in require at Porting/ line 4.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Porting/ line 4.
Compilation failed in require at pod/buildtoc line 17.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at pod/buildtoc line 18.
make: *** [pod/perltoc.pod] Error 2

Note the change from ./miniperl (which is itself a bug as it should be ./host/miniperl) to ./perl which is, naturally, an armel binary. It's also copied into the local directory, replacing the system perl if I copy it in.

So, more to do, but at least it gets this far.

Improved support for the extensions should also make it easier to clean up the current Debian cross-build diff which is the remaining bit of awkwardness / kludge.

6 January 2013

Neil Williams: bootstrapping arm64

I'm still working on perl-cross-debian (just uploaded 0.0.2) and there's more to do on that with upstream but part of the reason to work on perl cross-building is to do what I can to help with the ARM64 port.

So, I went back to Wookey's talk at DebConf12 which leads to the current list of cross-build results for arm64 and started through the list.

coreutils is listed as failing but that was an archive error (MD5sum hash mismatch), so that just needs a retry. I don't have access to that buildd, yet, so nothing I can do there.

Next on the list (excluding those just waiting for build-deps) was klibc.

aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -Wp,-MD,usr/klibc/.__static_init.o.d -nostdinc -iwithprefix
include -I/ PKGBUILDDIR /usr/include/arch/x86_64 -Iusr/include/arch/x86_64
-I/ PKGBUILDDIR /usr/include/bits64
-Iusr/include/bits64 -I/ PKGBUILDDIR /usr/klibc/../include
-Iusr/klibc/../include -I/ PKGBUILDDIR /usr/include -Iusr/include
-I/ PKGBUILDDIR /linux/include -Ilinux/include
-I/ PKGBUILDDIR /linux/arch/x86/include -Ilinux/arch/x86/include
-D__KLIBC__=2 -D__KLIBC_MINOR__=0 -D_BITSIZE=64 -fno-stack-protector -fwrapv -m64 -Os
-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fomit-frame-pointer -falign-functions=1 -falign-jumps=1 -falign-loops=1
-W -Wall -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -c -o usr/klibc/__static_init.o usr/klibc/__static_init.c
aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-m64'
make[4]: *** [usr/klibc/__static_init.o] Error 1

Turns out that this is a build failure I understood, at least initially. A little digging and a trivial patch was begun:

--- a/usr/klibc/arch/arm/MCONFIG
+++ b/usr/klibc/arch/arm/MCONFIG
@@ -30,6 +30,13 @@
ifeq ($(CONFIG_AEABI),y)
KLIBCREQFLAGS += -mabi=aapcs-linux -mno-thumb-interwork
+# aarch64
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_AARCH64),y)
+KLIBCOPTFLAGS += -mgeneral-regs-only
KLIBCREQFLAGS += -mabi=apcs-gnu -mno-thumb-interwork

Alongside a trivial change to debian/rules

ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),arm64)

OK, then things get a bit more awkward,

code/debian/cross/klibc/klibc-2.0.1/linux/arch/arm/include -Ilinux/arch/arm/include -D__KLIBC__=2
-D__KLIBC_MINOR__=0 -D_BITSIZE=32 -fno-stack-protector -fwrapv -fno-exceptions -Os
-march=armv8-a -mtune=generic -mgeneral-regs-only -W -Wall -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter
-c -o ../foo.o usr/klibc/arch/arm/crt0.S
usr/klibc/arch/arm/crt0.S: Assembler messages:
usr/klibc/arch/arm/crt0.S:19: Error: operand 1 should be an integer register -- mov r0,sp'
usr/klibc/arch/arm/crt0.S:20: Error: operand 1 should be an integer register -- mov r1,#0'

Hmm. Assembly, well, yes, I've done assembly before, I know what mov should normally do, sp is likely to be the stack pointer .... where's my AARCH64 assembly PDF again... PRD03-GENC-010197 ...

OK, so maybe the r0 and r1 should be x0 and x1, hmm, that at least doesn't raise assembly errors. So a tentative change:

--- a/usr/klibc/arch/arm/crt0.S
+++ b/usr/klibc/arch/arm/crt0.S
@@ -15,9 +15,13 @@
#ifdef __thumb__
+#ifdef __aarch64__
+_start: mov x0, sp
+ mov x1, #0
+ bl __libc_init
_start: mov r0, sp
mov r1, #0
bl __libc_init
.size _start,.-_start

Next stage, however, leaves me quite a bit more lost:

klibc-2.0.1/linux/arch/arm/include -Ilinux/arch/arm/include
-D__KLIBC__=2 -D__KLIBC_MINOR__=0 -D_BITSIZE=32 -fno-stack-protector -fwrapv -fno-exceptions -Os
-march=armv8-a -mtune=generic -mgeneral-regs-only -W -Wall -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter
-c -o usr/klibc/arch/arm/setjmp.o usr/klibc/arch/arm/setjmp.S
usr/klibc/arch/arm/setjmp.S: Assembler messages:
usr/klibc/arch/arm/setjmp.S:32: Error: unknown mnemonic stmia' -- stmia r0, r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,fp,sp,lr '
usr/klibc/arch/arm/setjmp.S:33: Error: operand 1 should be an integer register -- mov r0,#0'
usr/klibc/arch/arm/setjmp.S:34: Error: operand 1 should be an integer register -- mov pc,lr'
usr/klibc/arch/arm/setjmp.S:42: Error: unknown mnemonic ldmia' -- ldmia r0, r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,fp,sp,lr '
usr/klibc/arch/arm/setjmp.S:43: Error: unknown mnemonic movs' -- movs r0,r1'
usr/klibc/arch/arm/setjmp.S:44: Error: unknown mnemonic moveq' -- moveq r0,#1'
usr/klibc/arch/arm/setjmp.S:45: Error: operand 1 should be an integer register -- mov pc,lr'
make[5]: *** [usr/klibc/arch/arm/setjmp.o] Error 1

So now I'm out of my depth of AARCH64 assembly (apart from the recurrence of mov r0 vs mov x0 etc.). If the above is useful then maybe someone can work out what is wrong with setjmp.S or whether AARCH64 just means that klibc needs to gain a arch/arm64/ directory and not try to duplicate each entire assembly block within #ifdef clauses.

I don't really know where else to put an incomplete investigation like this, so it's here for anyone to find.

(Oh, and if you're reading those arm64 cross-build logs, then a few hundred occurrences of ldconfig: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/*.so is for unknown machine 183. in every build log (success or fail) is apparently entirely normal until more packages get fixed. Really slows down scanning the build log. :-(

I may try busybox or libusb next. libusb looks like a classic "you might have told me to cross-compile but I'm going to use g++ anyway because I know best" cross-building problem, indicative of yet another BDBS. sigh.

Getting started with 64-bit ARM development
ARMv8 images for developers
AArch64 for everyone, Marcin Juszkiewicz
Howto/HelloAarch64 - Linaro wiki
AArch64 gcc options

13 December 2012

Neil Williams: perl-cross-debian is ready!

This is the listing for my local cross-build-only repository for perl:

perl 5.14.2-16 unstable armel, source
perl 5.16.2-1 experimental armel, source

Prior to this, 5.14.2-15 also cross-built.

I've just pushed the update which fixes 5.16 from current Debian experimental.

This means that I'm ready to push perl-cross-debian into experimental via NEW. Whilst the package is in NEW, I will be approaching perl upstream about the necessary changes for Makefile.SH and updating the existing bug reports #285559 and #633884 with the necessary changes for debian/rules.

In the meantime, the changes for Makefile.SH and debian/rules exist within the perl-cross-debian source code - the patch for 5.14.2 is the same as I used for 5.16.2 and I don't see a need, yet, for this to be any different with current perl upstream. Equally, the patch for debian/rules works equally well for 5.14.2 and 5.16.2. All the version-specific (and architecture-specific) data lives in perl-cross-debian.

So it's time to tag perl-cross-debian 0.0.1 and upload to ftp-master as a native package aimed at experimental.

What's left to do? TESTING!

I've only tested with armel using the Emdebian cross-building toolchains from Squeeze using the old dpkg-cross style cross-dependency installation paths. There is outline code for armhf and arm64 but these need testing. The code also needs testing using the latest MultiArch cross-building toolchains. This should be a simple matter of checking if the dpkg-cross style paths exist and looking for MultiArch if not.

Right now, all of this is "worksforme" grade. It needs others to have a go and file bugs. Until the package is through NEW, feel free to use the issue tracker on the perl-cross-debian github site.

Please read through the documentation in the source code and the manpages in the package (xml in the source code) and tell me if some of it isn't clear.

25 November 2012

Neil Williams: perl-cross-debian update

Long term maintenance of cross-build support for the Debian configuration of perl has now gained some code at github and an ITP: #694326 for Debian.

There's some working code for perl 5.14 and initial work on 5.16 (which isn't complete yet).

This will dramatically simplify the patch for #633884 and provide a base for getting another part of that patch into upstream (Makefile.SH). (Thanks to Steve McIntyre & Peter Pearse for the body of the patch itself.)


define variant
$(if $(findstring static,$1),static,$(if $(findstring debug,$1),debug,shared))

define cross-config
/usr/bin/perl-cross-debian --variant $(call variant,$@)
perl -Ilib

So the config*variant files will live in /usr/share/perl-cross-debian/$arch/$perl_version/

18 November 2012

Neil Williams: Long term maintenance of perl cross-build support in Debian

After prompts from Wookey and Steve McIntyre, I decided to look at #285559 and #633884 for perl cross-build support and then port that support forward to the current perl in Wheezy and on to the version of perl currently in experimental. The first patch is for perl 5.8, the second for perl 5.12, neither of which is available currently in Debian. provided the 5.12 source but then that no longer cross-builds with the patch.

The problem, as with any cross build, is that the build must avoid trying to execute binaries compiled within the build to achieve the test results required by ./configure (or in the case of perl, Configure). dpkg-cross has one collection of cache values but the intention was always to migrate the package-specific support data into the packages themselves and keep the architecture-specific data in dpkg-cross or dpkg-dev. Therefore, the approach taken in #633884 would be correct, if only there was a way of ensuring that the cached values remain in sync with the relevant Debian package.

I'll note here that I am aware of other ways of cross-building perl, this is particularly concerned with cross-building the Debian configuration of perl as a Debian package and using Debian or Emdebian cross-compilers. After all, the objective is to support bootstrapping Debian onto new architectures. However, I fully expect this to be just as usable with Ubuntu packages of perl compiled with, e.g. Linaro cross-compilers but I haven't yet looked at the differences between perl in Debian vs Ubuntu in any detail.

I've just got perl 5.14.2 cross-building for armel using the Emdebian gcc-4.4 cross-compiler (4.4.5-8) on a Debian sid amd64 machine without errors (it needs testing, which I'll look at later), so now is the time to document how it is done and what needs to be fixed. I've already discussed part of this with the current perl maintainers in Debian and, subject to just how the update mechanism works, have outline approval for pushing these changes into the Debian package and working with upstream where appropriate. The cache data itself might live in a separate source package which will use a strict dependency on perl to ensure that it remains in sync with the version which it can cross-build. Alternatively, if I can correctly partition the cache data between architecture-specific (and therefore generated from the existing files) and package_$version specific, then it may be possible to push a much smaller patch into the Debian perl package. This would start with some common data, calculate the arch-specific data and then look for some version-specific data, gleaned from Debian porter boxes whilst the version is in Debian experimental.

The key point is that I've offered to provide this support for the long term, ensuring that we don't end up with future stable releases of Debian having a perl package which cannot be cross-built. (To achieve that, we will also end up with versions of perl in Debian testing which also cross-build.)

This cross-build is still using dpkg-cross paths, not MultiArch paths, and this will need to be changed eventually. (e.g. by the source package providing two binaries, one which uses MultiArch and one which expects dpkg-cross paths.) The changes include patches for the upstream Makefile.SH, debian/rules and the cache data itself. Depending on where the cache data finally lives, the new support might or might not use the upstream Cross/ directory as the current contents date from the Zaurus support and don't appear to be that useful for current versions of perl.

The cache data itself has several problems:

  1. It is tightly tied to the version of perl which generated it.

  2. It is, as expected, architecture-dependent

  3. It is, unfortunately, very sensitive to the specific configuration used by the distribution itself

That last point is important because it means that the cache data is not useful upstream as a block. It also means that generating the cache data for a specific Debian package means running the generation code on the native architecture with all of the Debian build-dependencies installed for the full perl build. This is going to complicate the use of this method for new architectures like arm64.

My objective for the long term maintenance of this code is to create sufficient data that a new architecture can be bootstrapped by judicious use of some form of template. Quite how that works out, only time will tell. I expect that this will involve isolating the data which is truly architecture-specific which doesn't change between perl versions from the data which is related to the tests for build-dependencies which does change between perl versions and then work out how to deal with any remainder. A new architecture for a specific perl version should then just be a case of populating the arch-specific data such as the size of a pointer/char and the format specifiers for long long etc. alongside the existing (and correct) data for the current version of perl.

Generating the cache data natively

The perl build repeats twice (three builds in total) and each build provides and requires slightly different cache data - static, debug and shared. Therefore, the maintenance code will need to provide a script which can run the correct configuration step for each mode, copy out the cache data for each one and clean up. The script will need to run inside a buildd chroot on a porter box (I'm looking at using and for this work so far) so that the derived data matches what the corresponding Debian native build would use. The data then needs slight modification - typically to replace the absolute paths with PERL_BUILD_DIR. It may also be necessary to change the value of cc, ranlib and other compiler-related values to the relevant cross-compiler executables. That should be possible to arrange within the build of the cache data support package itself, allowing new cache files to be dropped in directly from the porter box.

The configuration step may need to be optimised within debian/rules of perl itself as it currently proceeds on from the bare configuration to do some actual building but I need to compare the data to see if a bare config is modified later. The test step can be omitted already. Each step is performed as:

DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="nocheck" fakeroot debian/rules perl.static

That is repeated for perl.debug and$(VERSION) where $VERSION comes from :

/bin/bash debian/config.debian --full-version

The files to be copied out are:

There is a lot of scope for templating of some form here, e.g. config.h.debug is 4,686 lines long but only 41 of those lines differ between amd64 and armhf for the same version of perl (and some of those can be identified from existing architecture-specific constants) which should make for a much smaller patch.

Architecture-specific cache data for perl

So far, the existing patches only deal with armel and armhf. If I compare the differences between armel & armhf, it comes down to:

  1. compiler names (config.h.*)

  2. architecture names (*)

  3. architecture-based paths (*)

However, comparing armel and armhf doesn't provide sufficient info for deriving arm64 or mips etc. Comparing the same versions for armhf and amd64 shows the range of differences more clearly. Typical architecture differences exist like the size of a long, flags to denote if the compiler can cast negative floats to 32bit ints and the sprintf format specifier strings for handling floats and doubles. The data also includes some less expected ones like:

armhf: #define Netdb_host_t const void * /**/
amd64: #define Netdb_host_t char * /**/

I'm not at all sure why that is arch-specific - if anyone knows, email codehelp @ d.o - same address if anyone fancies helping out ....

Cross-builds and debclean

When playing with the cross-build, remember to use the cross-build clean support, not just debclean:

dpkg-architecture -aarmel -c fakeroot debian/rules clean

That wasted quite a bit of my time initially with having to blow away the entire tree, unpack it from original apt sources and repatch it. (Once Wheezy is out, may actually investigate getting debclean to support the -a switch).

OK, that's an introduction, I'm planning on pushing the cross-build support code onto github soon-ish and doing some testing of the cross-built perl binaries in a chroot on an armel box. I'll detail that in another blog post when it's available.

Next step is to look at perl 5.16 and then current perl upstream git to see how to get Makefile.SH fixed for the long term.

2 November 2012

Neil Williams: Introducing pyBit - Buildd Integration Toolkit

pyBit - cross-platform package building using AMQP

Message queues provide a simple way to create a distributed, cross-platform buildd toolkit to build packages using a collection of buildds, direct from various VCS clients. pyBit is intended to support rapidly evolving software collections and can support multiple VCS frontends and multiple build backends. Cross building is expected to be supported for some backends. The initial backend uses dpkg for Debian with subversion providing the source and sbuild doing the actual build.

pyBit includes support for cancelling selected builds and using multiple buildd clients per architecture, per platform and per suite.

Hooks are available or in development for subversion and git, other VCS hooks can be added. A RESTful web API provides live build reports and can generate build jobs for specific packages using particular VCS branches on selected architectures to support re-building packages at any point in the development process. Build history is stored using postgresql.

Other buildd systems can rebuild long lists of packages or build lots of binary packages from relatively slow moving source packages. PyBit exists to handle much more rapid software development across a wide range of platforms, VCS inputs and architectures. Buildd clients which are under-used can be tasked with building multiple suites or adding cross-build support. Buildd clients which are over-utilised are easily identified and adding new machines to an existing architecture / platform / suite pool should be easy. Hook activation automatically cancels any ongoing build for the same architecture, platform and suite to avoid wasting time on an interim version.

The emphasis in pyBit is to have fast builds with redundant clients, reliable reporting using a flexible and intuitive frontend. To this end, there is no need for a source package to be uploaded. Depending on the VCS hook in use, builds can happen every time a particular file is changed (e.g. debian/changelog for a native Debian package) or at every push (for a distributed VCS) or whatever is appropriate for a particular software collection. Builds are checked for available build-dependencies and packages re-queued if the build-dependencies are not yet met.

In the longer term, it may well be possible to use more than one server / database combination to support more builds and more platforms.

So far, we've got to a working model and tagged 0.1.0 as the first downloadable release. There is a lot more to do, especially adding more documentation, more VCS hooks, support for more VCS methods on the buildd clients and more buildd client scripts for platforms other than Debian. (The git hook and git source client are expected to let pyBit be self-buildable but a certain amount of configuration will be required for the server and each client which makes it not-quite self-hosting.)

pyBit concentrates on preparing collections of binary packages which can be used to build others, rather than trying to rebuild everything every time - this allows more rapid upstream software development and encourages modular, re-usable software. pyBit will also support rebuilding specific versions, architectures, suites or platforms via the RESTful web API. Access to this frontend can be controlled through any of the standard methods.

Components are loosely coupled via JSON encoded messages sent using rabbitMQ and curl. A new client can be added at any time and it will simply pick up buildd jobs from the relevant queue.

Development has now moved to Github and if anyone wants to look at new clients and new hooks, just contact the team by email or via IRC (#pybit on Current development is based on Debian Squeeze 6.0.6 with backports and also on Debian Wheezy - more testing is welcome. Patches are also very welcome, pyBit is licensed under GPL2+.

There is no intrinsic reason why pyBit could not support any buildd platform capable of taking source from a known location and building a set of binaries. Packages are added to the queues whenever the hook is activated, so adding new packages to the collection is simply a case of triggering the existing hook.

Another interesting challenge for pyBit would be to trigger a hook on a new source code repository and just let it work through every package until everything is built. That probably won't work with the current 0.1.0 code but if that is what you'd like to work on, join the team.

19 June 2012

Neil Williams: subversion 1.7.5 insane upgrade requirement wasting days and days of effort

Upgrading the local version of subversion against a large subversion repository has so far taken three DAYS. It goes through this multi-gigabyte repository in no perceivable order, it goes through every single directory in every single tag and every single branch and refuses to run in any sub-directory. (Even after clearing out some older tags, the tags/ directory is still nearly 8Gb and that doesn't include any binary files.) Each tag within tags/ is 500Mb and contains nearly 6000 sub-directories. Yes, it's large but svn upgrade should still be able to handle it without crippling every machine.

I can't image how svn is going to manage when the server finally gets upgraded. Probably be quicker to dump the entire repo and reimport it.

When I finally give up the will to proceed or simply need to use this LAPTOP for something else, I have to interrupt it with Ctrl-C at which point is starts all over again!

This isn't a slow machine, it's a i5 quad-core T410 with 8Gb of RAM and 1Tb of storage - and svn has made it crawl for days. The only way to pair down the working copy is to delete every tag and branch which means losing data like old build logs and old packages. The repository is this large because it's tracking the development of multiple commercial products which share common code but which also have numerous releases and release updates.

I can't even use svn st on this repo without this completing - I haven't been able to work on this repo since this started. Absolutely insane.

Pondering filing an RC bug on the basis of unjustifiable data loss. We have many machines at work with this repository checked out and if we ever migrate to Wheezy, it's going to mean a WEEK of lost work!!

subversion                    1.7.5-1

So, a warning for anyone else using subversion 1.7.5 with a very large repository: DELETE ALL TAGS and BRANCHES and any other directory anywhere in every single working copy tree on every machine which ever wants to use that copy again before even thinking about upgrading to 1.7.5.

The tags directories don't even need to be upgraded because we only use those to rebuild the code as it was in chroots.

Unspeakably furious about such a completely dumb tool being thrown into the mix DAYS before the Wheezy freeze. Now I have to kill it AGAIN just so that I can suspend the laptop. IDIOTS.

9 June 2012

Neil Williams: Going to Nicaragua

Not DebCamp this year, but I intend to get to more talks than I did in Bosnia and still get some work done on Emdebian Integration into Debian as well as working on as many RC bugs as I can manage during the week.

Possibly easy targets via UDD

A couple of my usual RC bug filter queries:

wheezy-and-sid, ignoring patch, pending, security, claimed and not in main.
(483 bugs)

wheezy-or-sid, ignoring merged and done
(987 bugs)

24 March 2012

Neil Williams: Multiarch and debi

If you're in the habit of doing sudo debi at the end of a build, it's worth noting a complication with Multiarch.

Sometimes, it's tempting to rebuild (and install) a shared library with a few untested changes, however, if (like me), you have multiarch packages installed, this can cause a surprise:

dpkg: error processing ../libqof2_0.8.4-2_amd64.deb (--unpack):
trying to overwrite shared '/usr/share/doc/libqof2/changelog.Debian.gz', which is different from other instances of package libqof2:amd64

Bumping the changelog doesn't help:

dpkg: error processing libqof2:amd64 (--install):
package libqof2:amd64 0.8.4-3 cannot be configured because libqof2:armel is at a different version (0.8.4-2)
dpkg: error processing libqof2:armel (--install):
package libqof2:armel 0.8.4-2 cannot be configured because libqof2:amd64 is at a different version (0.8.4-3)

The fix for this is, of course, to remove libqof2:armel and all it's reverse dependencies and the packages can't be put back until you've built an armel version of your changes.

The way to backout the test change is a bit longwinded, depending on the complexity of your library:

sudo apt-get --reinstall install libqof2:amd64=0.8.4-2 libqof-dev:amd64=0.8.4-2 libqof2-backend-qsf:amd64=0.8.4-2 libqof2-backend-sqlite:amd64=0.8.4-2 libqof2-dbg:amd64=0.8.4-2 libqof2:armel=0.8.4-2

Hmm. I think a helper tool could be needed in the medium term here.

This also means that cross-building Emdebian Crush packages from a Wheezy / Wheezy+1 base is again looking as if it will need to happen inside a chroot, albeit with problems for the packages which are dependencies of the build tools (or the cross toolchain) itself, as the Crush packages will inevitably contain modified files. (For example, Emdebian Policy differs from Debian Policy by requiring - not forbidding - compression of debian/copyright.)

Cross-building packages which are intended to be binary compatible with Debian without conversion (including cross-built packages to use on top of Emdebian Grip) shouldn't be too affected. You just need to ensure that where the package exists in two or more versions, all installed architectures are built before any architecture is installed.

This is an additional burden compared to the world of dpkg-cross but it is key to how Multiarch allows cross-building to use sensible dependency resolution.

So, what I think we'll need is an enhancement to debi which can be passed an architecture (possibly an architecture list), debi then looks for both the native arch and the requested architecture(s), fails> if the .changes file for the extra architecture(s) isn't found or proceeds to install all packages for the native arch and arch-dependent packages for the second architecture in the same dpkg operation. As a further enhancement, debi might be able to check dpkg --print-foreign-architectures, check the output of $package:$arch against dpkg -l and either complain or automatically use the Multiarch support to look for the relevant .changes files. debi may even want to check the package (as it's working in the package top directory usually) for Multiarch support before accepting the architecture list option.

Think I need to do some reading of the debi source and see if a patch is workable...

4 March 2012

Neil Williams: Rubbish in the archive

I've been asked (or been criticised through indirect media) about why packages are removed and as I've just done quite a lot of removals at the Cambridge BSP (I've done some uploads too, it's not one-sided), I thought I'd explain my rationale in the hope that it will encourage others to remove more packages and fix those which warrant fixing. This, is an approximation of the kind of scoring I would use when assessing whether to fix a package or remove it. All bug counts are for the entire source package, including all bugs reported against binaries built from that source.

RUBBISH - easy to remember, maybe.

If someone comes up with a UDD query which can resolve the above as an algorithm, a) I'll buy them a beer at DebConf and b) it could be a useful addition to the PTS...

18 February 2012

Neil Williams: Introducing ladder

We needed a new package at work and once I'd written it, I realised that it could well be useful for others, so I did the ITP and the package is now in Debian unstable.

Ladder - Stepwise repository upgrade tool

Ladder creates a local repository of packages required
to upgrade a tarball of a chroot to a new milestone or
software release.
The repository can be signed and includes all specified
target packages and dependencies. The repository can then
be distributed and used to upgrade multiple devices in
sequence without needing network access.

The only dependencies are some simple perl modules, reprepro for the repository, apt and gnupg for the signing. None of those need to be particularly recent versions, so once ladder has had a little time in testing, I will be doing a backport to Squeeze. Lenny is a little less likely but eminently possible if someone specifically asks for it. Not that it particularly needs a backport mind, if you want to run ladder on some other Debian-based system, it's simply a case of installing the version in unstable. reprepro was in Lenny at a suitable version for what ladder requires, so any system remotely recent should be able to run ladder without changes.

Normally, whenever you need to upgrade a device, you need to get that device onto a network, get access over the serial port or some form of pre-configured network connection, run the commands and clean up afterwards. OK, now do that again... oh and here are another 40 or 100 devices which all need precisely the same thing done and they all have to be shipped to paying customers today. What does any geek do? Script it.

Ladder is part of that process. There would need to be some scripting / programming support on the devices concerned but ladder makes it easier to put that support in place at the design stage and then automate the actual update without the device needing to get onto a network and, potentially, allowing you to decide how to offer the upgrade (automatic, user involvement, engineers only etc.) Once that is implemented, the device is simply pointed at a locally mounted filesystem which contains the ladder step for the migration. Each step is a SecureApt signed repository which is available at a deterministic location which can be easily scripted and which contains only the packages necessary (with dependencies) to upgrade any device installed at Milestone A to Milestone B. Nice and small, only the stuff you need, whatever architecture you like and if you need to migrate from Milestone A to Milestone D, then you create a few steps on the ladder and automate the migration from A to B to C to D. All you need is enough space on whatever local media you need to use to plug into the devices. Then copy the media enough times, start the interface on each device and do something useful whilst the upgrade happens. Then, when the next lot need to be upgraded, you already have the media... Oh and ladder does not need to run on the same architecture as the devices - all package handling is entirely architecture-neutral. So create the ladder steps and media on your fast x86 machines and then let the slower SSD devices take their own sweet time via automation. Simple - maybe, hopefully.

I'm expressly talking about devices here because this is where the original requirement arose - embedded devices which don't have direct / automatic / accessible network ports or even a working network configuration preset. These aren't new images to flash onto the device either, these are apt repositories, so only the stuff which needs to be changed is changed which saves a lot of time writing to slow SSD storage.

If the mechanism sounds familiar, yes, it's using the same principles as xapt, multistrap and emdebian-grip but I thought it could be useful, so I generalised the interface (a bit) and uploaded.

Let me know via the BTS if you need tweaks to the support. Ladder isn't particularly about getting desktop machines from Debian Potato to Debian Wheezy because you need to identify a target package to be the top point of the dependency chain which gets into the step repository and all devices should start with the same packages at the same versions. Normally, the kind of devices I use at work have a single top level application which is the sole user interface and which directly or indirectly depends on all the other software required for that device. Whilst the target package value could take a few carefully selected packages instead of just one and there is support for an extra packages field, it's not intended / expected to be useful for desktops. This is for use with multiple devices which all have the same package selection, are at the same milestone at the start and which all need to migrate smoothly to whatever milestone is intended - one step at a time. Ladder could be used to migrate between Debian releases and I've included example config files to support that, but the principle usage is with internal / proprietary repositories based on a common Debian stable platform where the user interface software is managed via identifiable milestones and where users have no direct control over installing packages. It's a production / manufacturing support tool more than a user / admin support tool. If you want to manage servers and desktops which allow users to install (or request to be installed) arbitrary packages, there are plenty of tools which already support this and are used by DSA in Debian for exactly these tasks. Ladder is not puppet but Linp didn't sound like a good name...

Ladder step repositories only include the binary packages, not sources - so if the migration is not going to be done in-house and you're expecting to distribute these steps to users somehow, ensure that the original source repository is available online for the Debian / free software packages concerned. If you can't do that (because the source is proprietary), you possibly shouldn't be distributing the binaries as a user update mechanism in the first place because each step will include packages from the core Debian system which need to have the sources available when distributed.

Inevitably, the ladder source package already contains two POT files for translations of the runtime messages and the POD based manpage. I expect to need to expand / clarify the manpage in due course, so don't rush to translate it yet as it's likely to change.

12 February 2012

Neil Williams: Multi-Arch progress

With dpkg from experimental and the new zlib upload in unstable, I've now got a partial Multi-Arch install. There are more packages necessary, particularly related to how -dev packages can exist and how a cross compiler gets built/installed in Multi-Arch world. One bug #659588 in libglib2.0-0 so far but that's quite good seeing as it's been all but impossible to test the Multi-Arch changes in existing packages until now.
$ dpkg --print-foreign-architectures

$ dpkg -l   cut -c -80   grep armel grep -v cross
ii gcc-4.6-base:armel 4.6.2-14
ii libc6:armel 2.13-26
ii libdatrie1:armel 0.2.5-3
ii libffi5:armel 3.0.10-3
ii libgcc1:armel 1:4.6.2-14
ii libgmp10:armel 2:5.0.4+dfsg-1
ii libgmpxx4ldbl:armel 2:5.0.4+dfsg-1
ii libgomp1:armel 4.6.2-14
ii libmpc-dev:armel 0.9-4
ii libmpc2:armel 0.9-4
ii libmpfr-dev:armel 3.1.0-3
ii libmpfr4:armel 3.1.0-3
ii libpcre3:armel 8.12-4
ii libpixman-1-0:armel 0.24.4-1
ii libpng12-0:armel 1.2.46-4
ii libpopt0:armel 1.16-3
ii libpwl5:armel 0.11.2-6
ii libselinux1:armel 2.1.0-4.1
ii libstdc++6:armel 4.6.2-14
ii libthai0:armel 0.1.16-3
ii linux-libc-dev:armel 3.2.4-1
ii zlib1g:armel 1:1.2.6.dfsg-1

There are more packages which can be installed on amd64 for i386 as #659588 only affects Multi-Arch versions which cannot execute compiled binaries from the foreign architecture.

Further progress, inside a test chroot, involves using gcc-4.7 from experimental but even then, libc6-dev is not installable as a Multi-Arch package. That's the current blocker for toolchain stuff.

ii gcc-4.7-base:i386 4.7-20120210-1
ii libgcc1:i386 1:4.7-20120210-1

Once we have libc6-dev:armel installable on i386 and amd64, work on cross-building Emdebian can be considered again. It's been a long time.

23 January 2012

Neil Williams: Emdebian Grip automated dependency resolution

The script isn't fully automated yet, I'm running it manually and watching for errors, but I do now have a simple script (~100 lines of perl) which runs edos-debcheck against each of the supported Emdebian architectures for unstable-grip and picks out those packages which are missing from the subset of packages which Emdebian monitors for Grip.

I was hoping to make these scripts into a normal Debian package but there are some limitations in that the scripts need to assume various pieces of Debian infrastructure. e.g. I started off using rsync to pull in the Packages files (along with Release and Sources) because apt has annoying behaviours with multiple architectures. (Emdebian Grip processes 7 architectures simultaneously on Peter Palfrader kindly arranged for a local mirror to be available and now the entire Packages processing can be done using symlinks. Much, much better.

Actual package movement data comes directly from dak via projectb - something else which makes packaging these scripts for use on non boxes a bit hard.

Once again, I am indebted to the EDOS team (please, please keep working on edos-debcheck - it hasn't had uploads recently) because I tried to get this working with germinate but failed. (Colin - I'll be looking to borrow some of your time to work out what was going wrong.)

The dependency resolution script now means that I can meet release team requirements that when foo is updated in sid to depend on libbar2 but Emdebian Grip only has libbar1, the scripts will automatically pick up libbar2 and add it to Emdebian Grip. The current sid version gets pulled in and (the theory goes) will migrate into testing-grip as an almost automatically valid candidate. Processing of the dependency can happen within hours of the updated version of foo arriving in Emdebian Grip but as long as it happens within a few days I think everyone will be fine with it.

I've got a sync script too which can periodically run across the entire suite and check for packages which have slipped the net. I'll have to see how often that needs to run but once a week doesn't sound too painful.

Processing for Emdebian Grip is very fast. Most of the time is taken uploading:

2012-01-23 22:24:42 add sid-grip deb main armhf libfltk-images1.3 1.3.0-5em1
2012-01-23 22:24:52 add sid-grip deb main i386 libfltk-images1.3 1.3.0-5em1
2012-01-23 22:25:07 add sid-grip deb main mips libfltk-images1.3 1.3.0-5em1
2012-01-23 22:25:25 add sid-grip deb main powerpc libfltk-images1.3 1.3.0-5em1
2012-01-23 22:26:00 add sid-grip deb main amd64 libstdc++6-4.5-dev 4.5.3-12em1
2012-01-23 22:26:34 add sid-grip deb main armel libstdc++6-4.5-dev 4.5.3-12em1

(It was a lot longer, comparatively, when I was having to rsync and then dget instead of just read from the local filesystem.)

I've also been working on an init script which will gradually work through the subset of packages by order of Priority - approximately what a new architecture (like armhf) would do. Note that Emdebian Grip supports armhf already. The only slight concern is whether the init script needs to be throttled back to not flood the queues with hundreds of uploads an hour (which it could end up doing, at least for the first 24 hours).

Logs of package movements are available:

Packages can be searched too:

More on Emdebian Integration on the Debian wiki:

Now all I need is a fix for #655919 :-) FTP team?

